Work needed to remove RAAC from University of St Andrews student union building

The building on St Mary's Place. Image: Google Maps.

Aerated concrete, also known as RAAC, has been found in the student union building in St Andrews.

There's now going to be work done to replace the roof it's in.

The plans were approved by Fife Council last week.

Plans say the university owned building on St Mary's Place needs it completed "immediately" to protect the building.

A letter from consultants Montagu Evans says there's a "degree of urgency" from both a health and safety perspective, and to ensure "future
protection of the building".

It adds: “The approach to the design has been predicated on avoiding where possible any changes to the building and where change is necessary, to keep this to an absolute minimum.”

It's due to be completed by the new academic year in September.

A temporary tent has been put up as part of propriety work but will be removed when everything has been completed.

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