This week sees the start of Scottish apprenticeship week, which aims to show employers how beneficial earning-and-learning can be to their workforce.
BT have announced they’ll be recruiting another 90 Modern Apprentices in Scotland. Up to 30 of those will be at their call centre in Dundee. Brendan Dick from BT said:
"These young people are going to be our leaders in 20-30 years time, so what we're doing through the apprenticeship programme is building up a different channel for young people to go into really good careers, and they'll be the directors when i'm long retired.
Meanwhile, Holyrood has granted £125,000 to a scheme to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to women. CareerWISE, which is delivered by Equate Scotland at Edinburgh Napier University, was created in 2013 to raise awareness of STEM careers for girls from school age onwards.
Roseanna Cunningham, the cabinet secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training, said:
“The CareerWISE programme has made a considerable impact over the last 18 months however there remains the need to address gender balance in the STEM sectors in Scotland.
“The Scottish Government still firmly believes that there is no such thing as a job for a boy or a job for a girl. Our continued support for the CareerWISE programme and its new focus to support young women access STEM MAs sits at the heart of our drive for a more productive and fairer work place.
“I am very pleased to be able to fund this very specific piece of work that CareerWISE will take forward. This is further illustration of our determination to respond positively to recommendations of the report into Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce."