More than 70 suggestions have been made on how the Levenmouth rail project should benefit local communities.
A workshop was recently held with a range of key areas discussed.
Areas covered include the possible location for the new station, car parking provision and integration with other forms of transport.
Improvements to the local High Street and connections with other developments including the River Leven and Leven Whale projects were also mentioned.
Fife Council is hoping a consultation with locals on the station's location will start this month.
Chair of the Levenmouth Rail Campaign Eugene Clarke said: "It is encouraging indeed to see so many suggestions coming from our local community though it is unfortunate this has had to be organised by the campaign and not by the authorities responsible.
"It's particularly gratifying that people are taking an overall view of all the fantastic projects happening in our area and clearly understand that the huge sums involved - over £130m - mean that there needs to be a "big picture" view of how this is all going to work.
"Perhaps that will be the role of Blueprint group but, as we've seen, if that doesn't happen then our local folk have demonstrated we're perfectly capable of performing it ourselves!"
Ken Gourlay, Fife Council's Head of Assets, Transportation and Environment, said: "There's a lot of investment and partnership work coming together in Levenmouth.
"This is an exciting opportunity for the region but it's also a very complex picture and we want to make sure we get things right for everyone.
"We've already established a Levenmouth Reconnected leadership group and a working group which involves agencies like Transport Scotland, SEPA, Network Rail, ScotRail and the Council.
"A stakeholder group will be established in due course as the conversation gathers momentum - and this will, of course involve the Levenmouth Rail Campaign group.
"We're contributing to the option appraisal work for the rail line and possible station locations that's being led by Network Rail and Transport Scotland.
"Local residents and community groups will be consulted on these options soon - hopefully in March.
"We're also working closely with SEPA, the community and other partners on the River Leven project and its linkages with the rail line, particularly sustainable transport links.
"Things are actively progressing but it's still early stages for this major development work.
"We're regularly briefing LMRC and will continue to do so.
"And, while we haven't identified a suitable candidate for the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme Manager we hope to appoint someone soon who will be dedicated to leading this project and community engagement work."