Ministers ‘resolutely focused’ on net zero after key target missed

Image: PA

The Net Zero Secretary says the Scottish Government's is “resolutely focused” on achieving climate goals, after a key emissions target was missed.

Mairi McAllan confirmed ministers had not met the target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 53.8%, as set out in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act.

Official figures showed there was a 50% drop in emissions between 1990 and 2022 – meaning nine of the past 13 targets have been missed.

Ministers previously dropped an interim target to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030, describing it as “out of reach” – however the Government still aims to reach net zero by 2045.

In a statement to Parliament on Wednesday, Ms McAllan said: “The statistics mean we have not met the 2022 target of a 53.8% reduction from baseline.

“We have now reduced our emissions by 50% from the 1990 baseline and the Government is resolutely focused on the next 50% and to achieving net zero.”

Scottish Conservative net zero spokesman Graham Simpson said the statement was “embarrassing” for the Government.

He said: “The Cabinet Secretary is trying to put a positive spin on this, but it is fooling no-one. The Government has failed yet again to meet its greenhouse gas emissions targets.

“SNP ministers have now missed nine of the past 13 annual targets tackling climate change. That is shocking.”

Scottish Labour net zero spokeswoman Sarah Boyack said the statement was “greenwashing” SNP achievements.

The figures released on Tuesday show Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to 40.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, which Ms McAllan said was a larger decrease than other UK nations, with England dropping 49%, Wales 36.5%, and 25.9% in Northern Ireland.

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