Kirkcaldy hot yoga studio named best in Fife

Yoga and spiritual teacher Scott Hutchison-McDade. Image: Centre for Positive Change

Kirkcaldy's Centre for Positive Change has been named the best hot yoga studio in Fife.

It was given the gong by Quality Business Awards UK, which said: "Businesses that have won a quality business award represent less than 1% of registered businesses in the UK.

"This is the seal of quality that a business has achieved an overall quality score of 95% or greater."

Hot yoga is practised in a heated studio with temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius and a humidity level of around 40%.

It's in an effort to improve flexibility, boost circulation, and facilitate improved feelings of wellbeing.

Scott Hutchison-McDade, founder of Centre for Positive Change, said: "Not all heat is created equal, and the source of heat used in Hot Yoga can significantly impact your practice and overall wellbeing.

"The goal is not only to make you sweat more but also to use the correct heat to enrich your yoga practice and experience."

His studio uses far-infrared heaters, which are designed to emit heat that penetrates deeper into the body, providing a more even effect.

They also don't emit bright light, making the environment more relaxing.

Scott says he's delighted to win the award, adding: "Hot Yoga has been a massive part of my personal practice for nearly a decade, and I can't imagine not sharing the magic of Yoga at 40°C.

"The environment helps build strong mind-body connections and mental, physical, and spiritual resilience; it is rejuvenating."

More information can be found at the centre's website.

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